Ride in Olmue
I can`t consider myself a person who likes to go into nature very much but when the ocasion comes i would gladly go everywhere it is -is very much like i would like to go but i don't have the initiative-. So to start i made a a walk, most likely a ride, in the surroundings of the Olmue city, in the summer of 2013 in the trip we made in the Spa Rosa Agustina. The ride was made for the entire family - the five of us- and the guide. the first thing that i enjoyed was the decision to chosee one of the horses and i pick the bigger one -in that moment my brother chosee the little one because the height that you stay when you climb the back of the animal- that was always the decision that i made when we made an xtreme thing -very much the most "dangerous"- and i was 15 years old.
My favourite part was the return part, when we ride down the hill, the feeling of that movement liked a lot, the sensation was similar to the boomerang game of Fantasilandia much more slow, but the friccition of going forward and back at the same time i have safe in my memory even thought most of the family hated-specially my mom and brother that where screaming-. I hope one day go back and do the same trip, with much sperience in the field and hopefully with my brothers since i always spent much fun with both.
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